- This event has passed.
ONLINE – 2020 Annual General Meeting
November 18, 2020 @ 7:30 pm
Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Wednesday 18th November 2020, 7:30pm
via videoconference / Zoom
We hereby advise that the 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday 18th November 2020 via online videoconference, commencing at 7:30pm.
The AGM is an important procedural meeting for the ongoing functioning of the Club. All members are invited to attend.
This year is unusual due to COVID restrictions however we encourage all members to attend / join the videoconference even if you are unfamiliar with “Zoom”
• Clear instructions will be sent prior to the meeting and committee members will be available to assist as required.
• It is critical that we have a quorum of members.
• There will be no coercion to join the committee however anyone who might be interested in a position is encouraged to nominate or discuss the options with one of the existing committee members.
Due to delays in sending membership invoices this year, all financial members from 2019-2020 (and those who have already paid this years’ membership) are considered financial members for the purpos-es of attending and voting. The Agenda and associated documents will be posted at a later time.
Members who cannot attend the meeting may appoint a proxy to represent them. Proxy forms will be sent with the agenda and are also available on the club website. Proxy notice must be received by the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting.
Details of how to participate will be emailed to all members and posted on Facebook and the club website. In brief the “Zoom” application (which is free) will need to be downloaded and installed on your device – Apple / Android / Windows PC / Mac.
Prior to the meeting, a link will be sent via email and Facebook which will allow you to click and auto-matically connect to the meeting.
Committee members will be available to help if required.